Glow II (audio commentary)

Niels Klein, Jonas Burgwinkel & Robert Landfermann join me in the studio to talk about my ninth record GLOW II. It was fun to dwell on our memories from the recording sessions and share our individual perspectives on how we dealt with the music.

This album was released in 2018 on Pirouet Records and it features big ensemble configurations consisting of outstanding musicians like Hubert Nuss, Ronny Graupe, John Schröder, Christian Weidner, Philipp Gropper, Niels Klein, Henning Sieverts, Claus Stötter, Robert Landfermann & Jonas Burgwinkel.

Terri Lyne Carrington

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Terri Lyne Carrington’s energetic & fluid way of playing deeply resonates with me. It has a searching quality which always moves the music forward. She always keeps me engaged and wondering what’s going to happen next.

When I first saw her live in 1999 with Herbie Hancock’s “Gershwin’s World” project. I still remember that magical feeling of really digging the music, yet having no clue what they were doing. To this day I can still tap into how that felt. That says something about an artist: if their art can sustain a feeling over decades – that’s powerful!

It was a pleasure to finally get to talk to her and I’m excited to share our conversation with you now!

Ben Monder

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When my dear friend and trio comrade Jonas Burgwinkel showed my Ben Monder’s incredible album “Excavation” sometime in 2005 my musical world got turned upside down. Ben’s music has had a major impact on me and my writing. When I look at certain compositions of mine I can clearly see his influence ( i.e. “Meta”). Whenever there was a rumor of an upcoming Ben Monder record I awaited each one with great excitement and checked it out as soon as it came out. I’d say I’ve spent the most time with his own records “Excavation”, “Oceana”, “Flux” and “Hydra”. Though I also listened quite a bit to his records with Theo Bleckmann like “No Boat”, “At Night” or “Origami“. I also love his sideman work on records by Jochen Rückert, Paul Motian, Maria Schneider, Bill McHenry, or Tony Malaby.

In this conversation we talk about his process of finding new harmonies, composing, influences, working with Paul Motian, his relationship with Theo Bleckmann, memories of special concerts he attended when he was coming up and much more.

I was very excited to talk to Ben and I’m happy I can share this with all of you here.